Plagiarism is an important subject to consider in educational and research sector. It is a medium which helps to protect some ones creativity from others by copying it. Here students are doing a kind of theft unknowingly, which mainly because of the lack of knowledge in the plagiarism. While presenting an assignment or project, students are only focusing on the content and re-write it in their own way but, they do not have the knowledge in the citation part , which is unavoidable. But citation is one of the rules to avoid plagiarism, other rules like avoiding paraphrase, Direct quotes, which must follow.

Plagiarism is a topic which need to teach the students before they entering to college life. In high school life students are not much cared of such citation and plagiarism issues, they mostly taking the content from google or from other search engines, then paraphrase it and submit it without giving credit or copy and paste it. That is the first stage they learn to submit in a wrong way. So, for clearing such issues in the students life, the responsible people should teach them about it. like, how to give citation , how to give credits. So, such learnings help students to get a clear necessity of giving citation and to understand the ways to avoid plagiarism and also to develop their own critical thinking skills to an extend.