In order to be effective, Canada and Canadians must respond as quickly and effectively as possible because it is estimated that the rate of climate change occurring in their country is twice the rate of climate change occurring in the rest of the world, which is a dangerous situation for the entire country.
Human actions are the major cause of climate change, and as a result, everyone must be aware of this and accept their obligation to take positive steps to combat it. There is a need to reduce CFC emissions, carbon emissions, develop pan-Canadian planning and regulations, and rethink oil and gas subsidies, among other things.
BC government has taken lot of actions for the climate change issues. For that in 2007 BC government took initiative for some solid strategies to overcome the issue in future. One of the major issues facing by BC is global warming, which is resulting in the natural calamities like flood and forest fires. Here listing some of the action taken by government:
1) Enabled green house gas reduction plan in law.
2) Targeting all sector of BC to reduce carbon emission by implementing low- carbon economy plan.
3) Took actions to create an awareness in British Columbians about the climate changing situations and importance of individual contributions by teaching them via local government.
4) Promoting the public to use nature-based products to reduce carbo emission.
5) Promoting reliable transportation, which helps to reduce carbon emission.
6) Creating teams for the studies of mining and extractions which causing climate change.
These actions were taken with help of people and different organization in BC. Mainly such groups include indigenous nations, organizations, and communities. For this action the government is funding huge amount. By this plan government is expecting a change in emission of carbon from 77 percent to 33 percent.
Given the impending global disaster, it is imperative that we all take personal steps to reduce the consequences of climate change. This might be achieved by not using traditional cars and trucks. We may either switch to electric autos or bicycles for short trips and use public transportation for longer ones. This would cut gasoline-powered vehicle emissions. Second, we must utilize resources carefully and sustainably. We should switch off the lights when we leave a room or a building. We should reuse toilet and kitchen water for gardening. These projects would conserve water and energy, reducing our impact on the earth.
Research and development projects run by the government, such as the Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy, may help to accelerate the development of sustainable energy technology and get them to the market for usage. Voluntary initiatives, such as the Natural Gas STAR programme, collaborate with companies to cut emissions, and are often recognized publicly.
The first step for every corporation wanting to lessen its environmental effect and so assist combat climate change is to quantify its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). There are several commercial services that can assist firms monitor their CO2 emissions.
Once GHG emissions are determined, they must be assessed to determine the company’s most polluting operations. After this research, firms may start thinking about ways to cut emissions.
In the conclusion, The impacts of climate change are already evident in Canada, but its inhabitants and government are both working towards halting and correcting the harm that has been done. Canada’s ambitious intentions are praiseworthy, and although there is always the possibility to do more, the present programmes give practical steps towards a more sustainable future. If we stay rigorous on our objectives and keep governments as well as companies responsible, the next century may prove to be the greenest and most sustainable in our lifetime.
Deer, R. (2022, February 12). 5 steps businesses can take to fight climate change. RoadRunner Recycling. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from https://www.roadrunnerwm.com/blog/climate-change
Canada, E. and C. C. (2022, March 23). Government of Canada. Canada.ca. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from https://www.canada.ca/en/services/environment/weather/climatechange.html
GOVERNMENT, B. C. (2021). Climate preparedness and adaptation strategy. Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy. Retrieved April 16, 2022, from https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/568/2021/06/Climate-Preparedness-and-Adaptation-Strategy-2021.pdf
GOVERNMENT, B. C. (2022). Climate action plan – toolkit. CLIMATE ACTION PLAN. Retrieved April 16, 2022, from https://toolkit.bc.ca/sites/default/files/climateaction_plan_web.pdf
matter, you. (2019, January 21). Greenhouse effect: What is it? definition and role in global warming. Youmatter. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from https://youmatter.world/en/definition/definitions-greenhouse-effect-what-is-it-definition-and-role-in-global-warming/
PAUL JOSE :- 0076549
20 April 2022 at 10:05 pm
Hi Everyone,
I have read your blog many times because I don’t want to miss any information. You did a great job, and your blog is reflecting fantastic details about the climate crisis. No doubt Canadians should take some big actions as soon as possible against climate change otherwise the consequences would be chronic. But not only Canada the rest of the countries should pay attention to it immediately because all are responsible for increasing Global warming and the efforts are worthless of any country if the rest of the world is not doing work to cope with this problem. As this is not the work of a single country. The entire world can fight to reduce the impacts of climate change. For example, during covid 19 pandemic period when all governments imposed strict lockdown then within a few days, the quality of air was improved by 20% and this happened because of less carbon emission. (Gray, 2020). Overall, all can mitigate the climate crisis by collaboration.
You are right human activities are most responsible for climate change. In every situation, we are trying to make our life better but, in this greed, we are playing with nature. For instance, we invented plastic products to make our life easy for many purposes. Now we are producing a large amount of plastic waste because of use and throw products and it is becoming a difficult task for the authorities to dispose of properly. At the present time, it is affecting our lives in many aspects such as the marine life is in danger, soil erosion, wildlife and many more and due to this, we are losing our ecosystem. (Network, 2022) according to this news, 91% of plastic is still not recycled in the last 15 years and we are claiming we are doing up to we can but the truth behind this is bitter.
Individually we can do various things to save our atmosphere from Global warming. In this section, I am going to add some more ideas for instance to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels we can use public transport instead of a private vehicle. We should use eco-friendly energy sources such as wind energy, solar energy, hydro eclectic power and biofuel. We can use the carpool system, and in this system, we can share a car with others for the same routes. The most important thing is we should follow the rule and regulations which are made by the authorities. (Denchak, 2017)
The reduction of Global warming is not possible without the involvement of the governments. They have a crucial role to sort out these issues. They should increase investment to develop new projects that can assist to solve these issues. They can reduce taxes on electronic vehicles to promote among the public and can make public transport more frequent and cheaper and this can compel people to use public transport. The local government should make some organizations that can work at the ground level, and they can include members from every department like lawyers, accountants, doctors, common persons and environmentalists so they can tackle each and every problem. They should implement laws very strictly about the environment.
Furthermore, corporations can play an indispensable role to diminish the impacts of climate change. So, here I am going to write some more information to support your ideas.
Firstly, they should investigate properly how much carbon they are emission and try to make some changes in the process where they can reduce carbon emission and other pollutants and always make sure that following legal policies.
Secondly, they can use renewable energy sources to reduce the utilization of fossil fuels because the burning of fossil fuels is a prime cause of Global warming.
Moreover, they should use those products which are easily recyclable. It can reduce their waste as the waste of industry destroy our environment in many ways. (Fournier, 2017)
In the conclusion, this is the most concerning issue at the present time, but nobody is paying proper attention on it. All are completing the formalities no one is taking it seriously. Although some are doing various work to mitigate environmental issues, but those efforts are useless until everyone not trying to solve these issues by understanding their own issues. We can hope for a healthy future if we are ready to do some efforts together. In last every effort matters.
Gray, E. (2020, November 16). Model shows extent covid-related pollution levels deviated from norm. NASA. Retrieved April 20, 2022, from https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2020/nasa-model-reveals-how-much-covid-related-pollution-levels-deviated-from-the-norm
Network, G. (Ed.). (2022, April 6). Plastics and the environment. Geneva Environment Network. Retrieved April 20, 2022, from https://www.genevaenvironmentnetwork.org/resources/updates/plastics-and-the-environment/
Denchak, M. (2017, July 17). How you can stop global warming. NRDC. Retrieved April 20, 2022, from https://www.nrdc.org/stories/how-you-can-stop-global-warming
Fournier, C. (Ed.). (2017, September 26). 10 actions to be implemented in the company for the climate. Youmatter. Retrieved April 20, 2022, from https://youmatter.world/en/actions-companies-climate-change-environment-sustainability/
22 April 2022 at 2:41 pm
Hey Nimasha and Paul
Hope you’re doing good.
I have read your whole blog and I loved how you clearly laid out your ideas and categorized the measures that could be taken on the part of individuals, government and corporations. It really helped to understand the crux of this post. However, from what I’ve read, I would say that you should have written more about the measures that could be taken in order to avoid climate change.
Here, I would like to add that every small effort matters in order to bring bigger changes. “In a world of more than seven billion people, each of us is a drop in the bucket. But with enough drops, we can fill any bucket,” David Suzuki. Transportation in Canada accounts for 24% of climate-polluting emissions, trailing only the oil and gas industry. Governments are taking numerous steps to reduce transport emissions; however, we can do our own part and try to walk or use bike for short distances. If distances are longer and you need to drive, volunteer to carpool with others to reduce the number of cars on the road. According to the UNEP’s Food Squander Index Report 2021, people waste 1 billion tonnes of food each year, accounting for around 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions (10 ways you can help fight the climate crisis, 2021). We should only buy the things that we need and instead of throwing away extras, we should try to contribute to food banks. Moreover, we should say no to plastic and one-time use cutlery while getting foods delivered to our homes. This will save the environment from harmful gases that are released during disposing off that plastic.
To conclude, it can be stated that we should try to take small steps everyday and make our families and friends aware of even the smallest steps that could be taken in order reduce climate change.
10 ways you can help fight the climate crisis. (2021, December 16). UN environment programme. Retrieved April 21, 2022, from
22 April 2022 at 8:38 pm
The changes in climate are due to number of human actions. To make their life better and easy, humans use natural resources and technology in a way that is destroying natural resources and environment. There are number of causes of environment pollution like forest cutting, urbanization, emission of harmful gases from factories and vehicles, water pollution due to the human waste etc. But this situation needs to be changed otherwise the environment get so devastated that there will be no turning point left for us. So, now is the time for us to take some steps to make the environment pollution free and make the natural resources sustainable. Following are some actions that can be performed by all of us:
• One way is to raise your voice for environment protection so high that it could be heard by those in power because people in power could bring the changes quickly and at mass level by initializing policies and rules.
• The airplanes cause lots of carbon emissions and other harmful gases. So, by cutting down our flying we can use electric cars or can instead use video conferencing for business meetings as it will help us to reduce the carbon emission into air.
• Another step that we can take is by cutting down our consumption levels and use those products that come up with reusable packaging etc. This will help to reduce the wastage and eliminate the soil, air and water pollution. (“9 things you can do about climate change”, n.d.)
9 things you can do about climate change. Retrieved from https://www.imperial.ac.uk/stories/climate-action/