Our planet is facing various types of climate changes at the present time and these changes caused many problems in society. Over the last few years, we can see huge changes in the pattern of weather for example sudden floods, wildfires, hurricanes, heatwaves, and intense rain. This is happening because Global warming is increasing day by day rapidly. Since 1880, the temperature of the Earth is rising by almost 1-degree Celsius which is responsible for hiking the sea level. (Amadeo, 2021) So presently, the most concerning environmental matter is Global warming.
Some Possible Reasons
Whether anyone agrees or not, but human activities are the prime cause of the increase in the world’s temperature. It is rising due to greenhouse effects and carbon dioxide affects the most. It is noted that the emission of Co2 In 1850, was 280 parts per million but in Feb 2021 it was near about 416 parts per million which is almost doubled. (Amadeo, 2021)
Trees and forests turn carbon dioxide into oxygen but now we are cutting trees at a big level to complete our basic needs which is increasing the amount of CO2 and destroying the habitat of animals and it is impacting the ecosystem.
Burning of fossil fuel
The consumption of fossil fuels is playing a crucial role to warm the earth. When fuels burn they release carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere that make the greenhouse effect.
There are various industries that are using non-renewable energy sources and some chemicals that produce harmful gasses into the environment that impact the environment terribly.
Overfishing brings a lack of diversity to the ocean. Fish is the main source of protein for humans and to fulfil their own greed overfishing has become a habit.
Farming and agriculture activities
Some animals emit a large number of greenhouse gases, such as methane, and they also produce a large amount of waste. Factory farming contributes to even more climate issues. Pesticides, fertilizers, and other hazardous agriculture chemicals are destroying freshwater, marine habitats, air, and soil. They can also last for generations in the environment.
Each region has different effects of Global warming some of the areas affect more and some are least. For example, in 2018 due to severe heatwaves, some of North Africa and America faced droughts and drying up water sources Which destroyed crops and became a threat to that areas. (Amadeo, 2021)
Extreme weather
Due to the rise in Global warming, many countries are facing sudden cold and warm and some of facing frequent droughts, hurricanes, lightning strikes and heatwaves. It is recorded that between 1980 to 2020 the US faced $997.3 billion in damage due to hurricanes. (Amadeo, 2021)
Ice Melting
The glaciers are melting quickly as compared to past years they are losing their ice caps because of Global warming which is disturbing the sea level and marine life and the sea level is increasing which is leading to frequent floods. In 2015, almost 183 gigatons of ice melted from the continent That’s an increase of 36 gigatons above what melted in 2008. (Amadeo, 2021)
Health Risks
Almost 150,000 people died every year due to Global warming and it is predicted that the quantity of death will be 250,000 by 2030 as well as 12.6 million people will die with the overall impact of extreme weather and these numbers are huge. (Amadeo, 2021)
Overall, with increasing of Global warming, we are losing the habitable atmosphere as well as many animals losing their habitats. It is the right time to do something to save our planet from the adverse effects of Global warming otherwise we should prepare for the worst future.
Some preventive Measures.
Firstly, we should take it seriously. We can do various things to reduce Global warming.
- We should stop the nature of use and throw products. The control of wastage has become a major concern for the government. It is not easy for them to handle all the wastage. We produce different types of waste such as plastic, solid, liquid, electronic and many more. So, we can make it easy for the government to handle waste by adopting a habit of reusing products.
- Government can promote public transport by making service more frequent and reducing charges and can support the public with electronic and hybrid vehicles by decreasing taxes on them. We should prefer public transport instead of private vehicles. By doing this we can reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.
- In the industrial section, they can use eco-friendly energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy as well as local people can also use these sources to make the environment better.
- We should save freshwater because we can’t imagine life without water. So, it is our responsibility to save water for the future. For this, we can discharge underground water. We can preserve rainy water to use in agricultural activities.
- The most important we should plant more and more trees as they are very helpful. They absorb harmful gases from nature and produce oxygen and they help nature to maintain the ecosystem and control weather conditions.
In the conclusion, we must all play a role in preventing global warming and other climate-related problems. If the earth’s temperatures continue to rise, all living species on the planet will die extinct as a result of the extreme heat. It is not the work of one person we can solve all the problems related to the environment by collaborating with the government. Every contribution matters to tackling Global warming. Therefore, we shouldn’t think it is not my problem and why I do scarify my time instead we should think we are responsible for this issue, and we must do something at ground level.
Amadeo, K. (2021, October 24). The effects of each additional degree of global warming. The Balance. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://www.thebalance.com/effects-of-global-warming-on-the-economy-3305692#:~:text=Global%20warming%20is%20the%20increase,Celsius%20or%202%20degrees%20Fahrenheit.
Chandler, S. (2022, March 21). Preparing a portfolio for climate change. Investopedia. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/051514/preparing-your-portfolio-climate-change.asp
Amritpal Singh (74646)
Manpreet Kaur (76687)
Mahinder Partap Singh (75941)
22 April 2022 at 3:08 pm
Climate change is an unavoidable reality, necessitating the need to advocate for and oppose behaviors that contribute to it, given the consequences. As a result, continuing to believe in the planet’s resilience ability is no longer an option; we must take action and join forces.
Energy, landscaping, and consumption in the home insulation, higher appliance energy efficiency, cool roofs, heat reflective coatings, decreasing water heater temperature, and boosting heating and cooling efficiency can all help to minimize a person’s carbon footprint. There are numerous acts that people can take on a daily basis to help better the current condition and the environment.
Between them, they are:
1) Take advantage of public transportation. Carbon emissions will be decreased to the extent that people walk, cycle, or take public transportation, and if they travel, they will take trains. Because cars are one of the greatest emitters of carbon, contributing to the greenhouse effect, it is vital to make a transportation substitution that will help not only the earth but also the human body by becoming fit.
2) Reduce the amount of energy you consume and the amount of money you spend on energy. When you are not using lights or appliances, turn them off. LED’s or other low-energy lighting should be used instead of incandescent bulbs. Make easy improvements to your hot water usage, such as purchasing a water-saving shower head fit.
3) Industry produces greenhouse gas emissions mostly through the combustion of fossil fuels for energy, as well as greenhouse gas emissions from certain chemical reactions required to manufacture commodities from raw materials.
4) Reuse. Water should be included in this section. Although recycling is promoted as a beneficial alternative, the truth is that when it comes to processing waste materials, this results in large carbon emissions because the process is carried out by an industry. In this scenario, it is vital to decrease waste and try to reuse it at home. Rainwater can be used to recycle water.
5) Climate change needs to be informed and educated about. If environmental education is used to enhance environmental awareness and education, it has the potential to improve not only people’s quality of life but also the environment’s conditions.
Climate change has wreaked havoc on environment and human health, destroying ecosystems, putting endangered species at risk, and spreading illnesses. As a result, it is necessary to join forces in order to improve environmental conditions and reduce man’s impact on the planet, which can be accomplished if each individual decides to contribute to the environment and changes certain customs and habits, because environmental responsibility belongs to everyone and no one is exempt.
• https://www.reference.com/science/important-clean-environment-7b77a45013d1aae9?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740005%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex
• https://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/global-warming6.htm
23 April 2022 at 1:47 am
I totally agree with the point that human activities are the prime cause of the increase in the world’s temperature. There are many causes of this problem as mentioned in your blog. The main cause is the increased use of fossil fuels and deforestation. I would like to elaborate on the impact and solutions of this problem.
The biggest threat is that the effects of climate change are irreversible on the timescale of people alive today, and will worsen in the decades to come. Scientists have warned that the global temperature will continue to rise for decades to come.The length of the frost-free season is increasing due to heat-trapping gas emissions and will continue to grow if things will not be under control. Summer temperatures are projected to continue rising with more droughts and heat waves. Hurricane-associated storm intensity and rainfall rates are projected to increase as the climate continues to warm. Global sea level is projected to rise another 1 to 8 feet by 2100.
You have mentioned some valid solutions for this problem and I will like to elaborate on few points. There are personal life changes that we can make to reduce our carbon impact.
1. Fossil Fuels
The first challenge is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. We should encourage use of plant-derived plastics, biodiesel, and wind power.
2. Infrastructure
Construction of buildings worldwide contribute around one third of all greenhouse
gas emissions . Energy-efficient buildings and improved cement-making processes could reduce such emissions
3. Less consumption
It is very important to reduce our consumption and try to buy things that are reusable to reduce our carbon footprint.
4. One Child
If we reduce the world population it can save the earth by reducing its burden. It is clear that more humans means more greenhouse gas emissions.
5. Geoengineering
Radical interventions to either block sunlight or reduce greenhouse gases, is a potential last resort for addressing the challenge of climate change.
Solutions can be many but we all can do our bit to save our planet. It is essential for humanity and our future generations.
Biello, D. (2007, November 26). 10 solutions for climate change. Scientific American. Retrieved April 22, 2022, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/10-solutions-for-climate-change/
The earth science communications team. (2021, August 26). The effects of climate change. NASA. Retrieved April 22, 2022, from https://climate.nasa.gov/effects/