If I were to use the Knotter change model in hopes to help reduce climate issues I would begin the steps as according to the videos we watched for this week.
My target goal shall be reducing the amount of pollution. I chose this as an example because it is a major point in the effects of climate change. To First start off my campaign I would advertise how much pollution is affecting the world through ways that can Limit waste, this way I can immediately start with avoiding more pollution, I can target electronic bulletins and online platforms. This will allow the word to get out for what I plan to do to help.

The next step would be to find others who wish to help reduce pollution. A larger group will benefit growth as well as overall performance. My target focus would be to find a larger company to provide more exposure to others. I would also allow anyone who supports as this is a cause that needs as many people on board as possible.
Once I have a large group we can begin to plan smaller goals that allows us to slowly progress to the main goal. It’s best to strive for progression than immediate perfection. these small goals could be daily, weekly or monthly all with different frequencies. to encourage these goals We can plan group events to bring people in areas that have serious issues in pollution.

As I stated earlier, anyone is welcome to be apart of this team, however it’s very important to have a majority in favor of change, if we have strong individuals who strive to achieve the goal the more likely it can get done, the more the merrier. However if we are strongly those who wish change is made, but dont put in effort, there won’t be much progress happening.
It is important to be one step ahead of the game, Discussing climate change we are aware there have been many attempts to reduce pollution, and they are still on going. It is important to look into these organizations as well to see where they are strong and where they are weak. This allows us to build even further. Even if it gets difficult and there feels like nothing is changing, start to think “what is an alternative to fix the dilemma?”.
to continue growth it is also important to constantly return to the beginning. Often over time we forget what the true meaning is behind our actions, going back to think what is truly important allows us to stay on path. Allowing modifications and new ways to describe the plans is also important in growth. Hopefully we’ve begun to see an improvement in the reduction of pollution however it cant stop at that. We must continue to push it otherwise we can fall back to our poor habits. On top of our beginning goal we could begin to take on another way to help the earth. For example, say our first goal was to reduce the litter around our community, once we see no traces of litter, we can move onto other places or strive for a different situation like gas pollution, and encourage friendlier ways to travel around.
In the end there never really is an END. We must always keep with the good habits otherwise we will fall into the bad again. It is important to reward those who have done good. This is also a way to continue growth, if people know they may be rewarded, they will strive to complete the task.
NOW I’m sure a lot of people have used knotter’s change model. Possibly in the same(or similar) way I’ve described above, however after my research this is how I would work with it in hopes to get a good result. I believe climate issues should have been dealt with many years ago, however it is not too late to start! to have a healthy earth we must stay true to being kind to it.
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