The Kotter’s model of change is an 8-step model of change. The 8 steps are:

  • Increase urgency
  • Build guiding team
  • Develop the vision
  • Communicate for buy-in
  • Empower the action
  • Creating short term wins
  • Don’t let up and
  • Make change stick

For inspiring and implementing the change related to reducing the climate change emissions in the society first the urgency for the need of change is needed to be created among the people of the society. For this the drawbacks of climate change emissions will be explained because drawbacks will establish a need of urgency among people to bring the change required. Next the leader will be chosen who will lead the required changes so that the climate change emissions will not impact the society negatively. For this the vision towards which all the actions will be performed will also be determined and the necessary resources will be acquired to bring the necessary change. And to all the people involved the strategy and vision will be explained. Further, short term targets will be set out that will be the small steps towards the real goal that is to implement the necessary changes. In the next step all the actions and their outcomes will be studied and analysed to ensure that all the work are going as per the plan. As the final step of the Kotter’s model, the changes will be made and integral part of the society that will help the society to change themselves according to the changing situations and environment. (Juneja, n.d.)


Juneja, P. Kotter’s 8 step Model of Change. Retrieved from