In this scenario, the main problem is the error of omission where I failed to correct the potential customer’s mistake of considering me as Sales VP which has left me in a huge dilemma. Our company could lose a potential customer by telling the truth or I can close the deal by deceiving the customer by misrepresenting myself as the Sales VP. Me and my company stand to lose if I choose the first one whereas choosing option two will be highly unethical.

After analyzing the ethical decision-making framework and utilitarian approach, the possible solutions I have come up with is that the truth should be told to the potential customer regarding my designation and our company’s VP should be made aware regarding the importance of this deal for our company and he and other party should be convinced to attend the meeting via video-conferencing. The other possible solution could be that permission should be granted by our company’s VP which will authorize me to act on his behalf as an agent and potential customer should be apologized and made aware regarding this arrangement. The crux of both these solutions is telling the truth as this huge deal should not be made on the basis of a lie. These solutions have the potential to create a win-win situation for both the parties.

The study of ethical decision-making framework and sources of ethical standards has made it easier to find solutions to ethical dilemmas and make the right decision. This would be very helpful for us as we stand out professionally and faced with difficult situations at our workplaces and our educational institutions.