SDGs and Corporate social responsibility are well known business worlds concept. The united nations established agenda 2030 in which they included 17 sustainable development goals to be achieved by 2030. The SDGs are designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. It includes global challenges which we have to work on such as poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, peace, climate change and justice.

Corporate social responsibility refers to the initiatives taken by organizations related to social and environmental aspects into their business operations. CSR is a business management concept in which business pays potential consideration to their business moral and ethics. Post that they examine how their steps taken is valuing to their local community and environment. 

The CSR and SDGs are interrelated to each other as both provides a powerful model for sustainable growth. SDGs provide frameworks which can be leveraged by government bodies, civil society and individuals. Large corporations then implement these frameworks through there CSR although participation of each sector is required for positive end result. CSRs helps in carry forwarding the responsibility of SDGs to small, medium and large organizations as CSR can be implemented in any form of organization. It a nutshell, CSR helps delegating the motive of SDGs from government entities to small, medium and large organizations (Moore, 2020).


Moore, H. (2020, December 22). Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Goals: what does it all mean? Retrieved from Social Good Connect: