We all admire air transport as luxurious mode of transport and expect it to be included with world class services. We expect a smooth travel along with pre and post flight services but reality is much different. In this blog, we will be reflecting on a news posted on CBC marketplace about a teenager who was abandoned by Air Canada. 

Diomerys O’Leary, a mother of a 14-year-old girl went in trouble when her daughter was abandoned on Toronto airport by Air Canada. On Jan 18, O’Leary received an email from Air Canada that the flight on which her daughter was about to fly alone was cancelled due to labour disruptions at Newfoundland and Labrador airport and is rescheduled two days later. They left her daughter on her own to fend herself for stay and food. O’Leary was already nervous as her daughter was about to board alone and this news made her more anxious. She called Air Canada to take the accountability and provide accommodation and food to her minor daughter but they completely denied and kept her on hold for 2 hours (Sampson, 2022)

. This incidence reflected on how organizations are taking back themselves from their responsibilities and accountabilities. Even when she raised a complaint regarding this, Air Canada told that it’s not in their company’s laws to provide free of cost services in case of any rescheduling due to external reasons. Company’s these days are focusing completely on their own profit maximisation irrespective of morals and ethics.


Sampson, A. (2022, February 13). Teenager abandoned by airline :CBC’s Marketplace cheat sheet. Retrieved from CBC: https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-cheat-sheet-1.6348414