Today’s businesses are becoming greener than ever before, with Business Sustainability as the driving force behind this transformation. The question here is, What is Business sustainability? What relation does it have with the corporate ethical environment? Is it truly beneficial to future generations?
Business sustainability simply means “ how businesses are always seeking improvement so they can have necessary resources to thrive in future generations” (Business Sustainability: Definition & Concept, 2017). Going “green” is much more than a fashionable fad for many firms. It’s part of a goal to increase corporate sustainability, which means they want to reduce negative environmental and social effects while also ensuring that future generations will have enough resources to satisfy their demands. Businesses that do not implement sustainable practices risk losing a portion of their target market and the media plays a critical role in the sustainability movement by alerting us to commercial practices that hurt people and the environment.
As we know, business ethics is “implementing appropriate business policies and practices with regard to arguably controversial subjects” ( Business ethics: Fair business policies within controversial subjects, 2022). The concept of business sustainability is doing the same as business ethics demand. “The Hotel industry, for instance, can have a negative impact on the environment”( 2016, p.5 ). In hotels, the average energy usage per bed per night might be over 130 Megajoules. Hotels consume more energy per guest than locals because they feature more energy-intensive services like bars, restaurants, and pools, as well as larger rooms. In addition, hotel visitors generate more garbage than locals. “There are a number of organisations attempting to promote sustainability in the hospitality sector”( 2016, p.6 ). As a result of sustainability, between 2011 and 2014, 9 percent of hotels employed renewable energy, and the carbon theme resulted in a 4.5 percent reduction in energy use. As a result of the innovation theme, 40% of hotels now feature at least three eco-design room components. The local theme prompted 48% of hotels to pledge to safeguard children, 87 percent to buy and promote locally based items, and 93 percent to remove endangered fish species from restaurant menus. As a result, it is clear that the notion of sustainability is helpful to future generations and will leave sufficient resources for them to use.
Finally, more has to be done to promote the notion of business sustainability, and the effects will be seen in the near future as firms become more conscious of it. Ethical sustainability would actively define and manage social development and care for people and the environment.
By Rajwant Kaur, Jaspreet kaur, Rajni Bala
APA References
Conrad Lashley (2016) Business ethics and sustainability, Research in Hospitality Management, 6:1, 1-7, DOI: 10.2989/RHM.2016.
Business Sustainability: Definition & Concept. (2017, May 11). Retrieved from https://study.com/academy/lesson/business-sustainability-definition-lesson-quiz.html.
Twin, A. (2022, February 8). Business ethics: Fair business policies within controversial subjects. Investopedia. Retrieved March 7, 2022, from https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/business-ethics.asp
10 March 2022 at 1:16 pm
Reviewed KM March 10