Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Allows companies to be socially accountable. This type of business practice is not mandatory however allows businesses to boost their brand and help improve Society, that is if they do it correctly. Offering CSR allows consumers to see the care companies will put to make society better as this is voluntary work.

CSR allows businesses to get closer to their consumers. CSR trends that are happening lately are targeted towards media. In our society a majority of people are online, using media to advertise helps businesses reach a larger crowd. An important style is to invest time into Data protection. If a company works online with customers its important to have a safe connection without any information being leaked or corrupted. Everyone wants to feel safe working in any environment. Keeping this information safe avoids big threats such as leaking large amounts – possibly all – of user information.
Another great CSR practice is diversity. Diversity in employees, advertisements and more. This allows consumer numbers to grow larger. Many potential interests may be hesitant in supporting a brand based on how welcoming they are. Even though we as a society are growing apart from discriminations it is still common for some workplaces. Advertising diversity promotes the open-mindedness a company should have as well as support all people who are in the environment.
The last CSR practice I believe is important is constant participation in the community. No matter they business type you are there is always a way to support the community around you. Many companies advertise donating to big charities however its important to think about who is around you. Donating your products and services is a great way to support the communities. Local businesses should use this technique to grow their brand. For example a hair salon supported many families with free haircuts while they were on strike. If brands cant afford giving away free products they could look into helping smaller organizations. For example If a local brand provides jerseys to a kids Hockey League they can get their brand logo on the front to promote them.
CSR Trends are important to keep up with if brands want to continue to keep consumers happy. As long as the company is speaking to provide real benefit to society it should continue to be encouraged. CSR is to benefit both the company and consumers, so as long as the brand has good intentions there is nothing wrong with providing this service.
Gorman, M. (n.d.) 5 Corporate Responsibility Trends A Successful Company Should Invest Into. inside 6Q. 5 Corporate Responsibility Trends A Successful Company Should Invest Into (
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