Fashion and textiles are one of the most polluting industries in the world. Every stage of the fashion and textile supply chain threatens our planet and resources. Consumers are aware of the importance of sustainability and are willing to buy… Continue Reading →
After watching the video and reading the article from CBC Marketplace. Hidden Cameras Capture Deceptive Tactics Used to Sell Overpriced HVAC Contracts, (CBC Marketplace, 2022).I can’t help but feel sad with those victims. And makes me wonder why do victims… Continue Reading →
Before pandemic hits most of the countries, a lot of us are taking our life for granted and one of that is our health. We don’t pay much attention to our health, we used to work hard, eating un nutritious… Continue Reading →
The changing business environment demands a change in how leaders think and act. The fast-paced changing environment is leaving no option for businesses but to get innovative with the ideas and way of doing business. Specially, during the pandemic the… Continue Reading →
Covid-19 pandemic has affected economies in many areas, labour shortages is one of the problems facing the business owners now a days as the pandemic exacerbate the existing labour shortages prior to the pandemic. They are struggling to find and… Continue Reading →
“Originality is Undetected Plagiarism” William inge, 2022 According to the University of Oxford, plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgment. Plagiarism may… Continue Reading →
Plagiarism is a serious issue I see may increase as online schooling happens through the pandemic. Plagiarism is not worth the risk. Paying for school, and working towards your future is not worth risking the consequences and suspensions. Especially when… Continue Reading →
We discussed on the the topic of labor shortage in book club sessions and everyone present their views about it. During the pandemic lots of people lost their jobs and qualified candidates remain unemployed. Pandemic changed the lifestyle and thinking… Continue Reading →
We just finished our reading topic and its discussion which is related to labour in the Covid-19 pandemical. The business industry experiencing shortage of labour due to various reasons such as low wages, health related issues, feel unsecure, stressful workplace,… Continue Reading →
In our lives, we had and is facing different types of ethical dilemmas, out of them I am sharing an unforgettable incident happened when I was in the 7th grade. Our Social Science teacher was giving the midterm mark sheet…. Continue Reading →
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