In my previous job, I experienced favoritism at my workplace. Everyday is a struggle to get up and go to a workplace that clearly doesn’t appreciate you or your work. It is really de – motivating seeing someone who is… Continue Reading →
“Creating a strong business and building a better world are not conflicting goals – they are both essential ingredients for long term success” bill ford This blogpost outlines the importance of corporate social responsibility and the benefits that ethical and… Continue Reading →
In scenario 5 I read that Gary, the head department called Carlos into his office and told him what Amna complained about him. He told him that Amna doesn’t like this when he and his department go to pubs every… Continue Reading →
In this activity, I tried to find the best solution to the dilemma (scenario #2) of which whether I should tell the truth to our department manager that Janet is drinking beer every lunch, or I would deny it. While… Continue Reading →
In the given scenarios, there is a dilemma whether to tell about merging to everyone or not. the marketing department of the company is doing great. The president of the company suggested an idea to merge with company B and… Continue Reading →
Stakeholders are people who are involved in any way by the operations of the business. Companies have to create an engagement plan which includes the prioritization of stakeholders and steps to be taken towards them. The stakeholders of Burger King… Continue Reading →
In scenario 5, there are two things I see as dilemmas. Amna feeling left out describes a familiar issue and one that is not entirely unethical but somewhat unfair. The remedy is changing meeting venues or rotating through several to… Continue Reading →
Upon reading an article about Tom’s Social Responsibility, I was amazed on how the founder Mycoskie being inspired on what he saw during his trip to Argentina where he saw extreme poverty, health conditions and children walking without shoes to… Continue Reading →
Capitalism is a system where business is controlled by the private sector to generate profits and there is no interference from the government. The trade of goods and services is managed by private companies. Companies have managers and leaders. … Continue Reading →
The Sustainable Goals are also called Global Goals which was adopted by United Nations as a universal call to end poverty, hunger and protect the planet, discrimination against girls and women whereas the Corporate Social Responsibility is a business practice… Continue Reading →
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