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Author patrick

Social Entrepreneurs: The change maker

According to Hayes, “An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is commonly seen… Continue Reading →

Academic Ethic- What are they and what do they mean to students?

According to IGI Global, academic ethics is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values, and the dignity and rights of others. Academic ethics is much more than avoiding dishonest practices such as copying during exams, plagiarizing, or contracting to… Continue Reading →

Social Enterprise- KSAN Society

According to Candid Learning, social enterprise, also known as social entrepreneurship, broadly encompasses ventures of non-profits, civic-minded individuals, and for-profit businesses that can yield both financial and social returns. Ksan Society is a non-profit organization that operates on the principle… Continue Reading →

Diversity in workplace

According to Cultureamp.com, “Diversity in the workplace refers to an organization that intentionally employs a workforce comprised of individuals with a range of characteristics, such as gender, religion, race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, education, and other attributes.” Today’s workplace is… Continue Reading →

Reflective blog – Favoritism at work

In my previous job, I experienced favoritism at my workplace. Everyday is a struggle to get up and go to a workplace that clearly doesn’t appreciate you or your work. It is really de – motivating seeing someone who is… Continue Reading →

The growing importance of social responsibility in corporate the world

“Creating a strong business and building a better world are not conflicting goals – they are both essential ingredients for long term success” bill ford This blogpost outlines the importance of corporate social responsibility and the benefits that ethical and… Continue Reading →

The labour world during Pandemic

Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail. owen Arthur When the pandemic started up until now, we are all struggling as… Continue Reading →

Ethical dilemmas we are facing at work

Once in our life, or maybe most of the time in our lives, we meet someone that “steals one’s thunder” and there is nothing more infuriating than someone taking credit for our work, where we share an idea with a… Continue Reading →

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